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Players Only.ag – is one of the smartest and sharpest establishments in the gaming industry. They have become one of the leaders while running with the big dogs and furnishing a enjoyable gaming experience to millions of sports bettors world wide. As you will soon see there is no milestone unturned that Players Only.com has not achieved or surpassed since joining the ranks as a quality gaming site. PlayersOnly Wagering Limits: Limits at Players Only.com are set up depending on what sports that the sports bettor wishes to play and what type of wager. When it comes to the NFL the sports bettor can play up to $5,000 on the side and $11,000 on the day of the game. They have lower limits for totals and timing of the game but they are reasonable across the board. They have smaller limits for minimums of course and are up to discuss raising the limits depending on the type of player that you are. Players Only.com Reputation: If there is one thing that the sports bettor does not have to worry about it is the reputation of Players Only.com. The first step is that they are a part of the Sportsbook.com family and that brings with it a huge reputation in the gaming industry. They have record turnover to active users and number of bets and they have incredible peaks when it comes to wagers per minute. With this comes great capitol and a huge income allowing for a safe and stable atmosphere for the sports bettor. There is no fear when dealing with Players Only.com Final Analysis: Players Only.com is a super sportsbook that should be on everyone’s list when it comes to looking for a place to reside as a sports bettor. They have a solid reputation and are more than equipped to work with the sports bettor in fulfilling the needs. This does not just apply to the veteran bettor but also the recreational bettor. Players Only.com has made a point of being one of the best and are always improving. Players Only.com should be your #1 online destination for gaming!